Recent media reports have indicated that a growing number of young people in Britain are finding it difficult to make ends meet. And because of this, many parents or grandparents are looking into ways of finding the money to help them, perhaps by providing lump sums to pay for deposits on first homes or to lend a helping hand to get loved ones out of debt.
A lifetime mortgage or home reversion offers a way to free up some of the cash locked into a home. For homeowners over 55, it can be a great way of helping younger family members.
Equity Release is Family Friendly
Equity release can provide a vital cash injection for those who are looking to send their kids to private schools, or fund out of school clubs or classes like drama or dance, or pay to join a sports academy. It’s also good for helping out with uniforms and school trips.
There are companies that specialise in providing the best guidance on equity release, so anyone who’s thinking about freeing up some of the value of their property should spend time researching those who offer the best levels of advice, face to face, and with award winning accolades.
Equity release may involve a lifetime mortgage or home reversion plan. To understand the features and risks, please ask for a personalised illustration.
Bower is an FCA regulated independent financial advice company that offers specialist advice on equity release throughout the UK. For more information email [email protected] or call 0800 4118668.