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Equity Release Cambridge

Are you ready to unlock the value of your Cambridge home? If you are, Bower Home Finance can offer tailored equity release solutions to suit your needs. We can assess how much equity you have tied up in your property and help you release it! Our team based in Cambridge offers a range of financial expert advice to homeowners looking to improve financial flexibility.

Whether you want the funds to help with family holidays, extend your retirement fund or even pay for home improvements, Bower Home Finance in Cambridge can help you.

Do You Need A Local Equity Release Adviser?

If you’re in Cambridge and considering equity release, finding a local adviser specialising in lifetime mortgages can significantly simplify the process; this is where our team at Bower Home Finance can help you; we have been in the equity release market for several years.

A lifetime mortgage allows you to access a tax-free lump sum from the equity in your home without the need to sell or move out. Our equity release advisers in Cambridge can offer you all the advice and guidance you need regarding the different equity release scheme options; releasing equity has never been easier!

With the help of our local Cambridge advisers, you can navigate through the various equity release schemes available, ensuring that you choose one that best fits your financial needs and lifestyle. Our expert guidance will help you understand all process aspects, from the potential impact on your estate to maximising your tax-free benefits.

By working with a knowledgeable local adviser from Bower Home Finance, you can confidently make decisions that secure your financial future. With a Cambridge-based adviser, the equity release process will be smooth and stress-free!

What Are The Two Main Equity Release Options In Cambridge?

A lifetime mortgage: This is the most common type of equity release available to homeowners over 55. Essentially, it is a loan secured against your home that is usually repaid from the sale of your home when you pass away or move permanently into residential care. A lifetime mortgage is the most popular as it doesn’t involve selling your home.

A home reversion plan: This less common type of equity release is available to homeowners over 65. It requires you to sell all or part of your home; however, you can stay there without paying any rent until you pass away or move permanently into residential care.

How Do Equity Release Mortgages Work In Cambridge?

In Cambridge, equity-release mortgages allow homeowners to release equity from their property while continuing to reside in it. Governed by standards set by the Equity Release Council, these financial arrangements ensure consumer safety and transparency.

Our team at Bower Home Finance has equity release advisers based in Cambridge who can help you achieve financial freedom! Speak to one of our equity release advisors today to learn everything you need to know about our equity release products.

Typically, homeowners can opt for a mortgage that allows monthly repayments, enabling them to preserve more of their home’s equity. Alternatively, you might choose a lump sum plan, receiving a one-time tax-free amount that can be used for various needs, such as retirement funding, home renovations, or as a financial gift to family members.

This setup allows homeowners in Cambridge to tap into their home’s value without the immediate need to sell, offering a flexible solution to manage personal finances in later life.

To make an informed decision, why not speak to our team of financial advisers here at Bower Home Finance? We can help you with all your equity release plans!

Equity release has become a popular financial solution for many homeowners, precisely those aged 55 and over, seeking to enhance their later life finances without selling their homes. It offers a flexible way to access the wealth tied up in your home, providing a lump sum or regular income that can be used for various purposes.

The appeal of equity release lies in its ability to meet diverse needs and circumstances. It allows individuals to retain home ownership while benefiting from its value.

Popular reasons for choosing equity release include:

  • Home Improvements: Upgrading or maintaining a property to enhance comfort or increase its market value.
  • Supplementing Retirement Income: Boosting monthly income to cover living expenses, travel, or leisure activities.
  • Debt Repayment: Clearing existing debts or mortgages to reduce the financial burden and increase disposable income.
  • Healthcare Costs: Funding medical treatment or adapting a home to meet health-related needs.
  • Family Support involves providing financial assistance to family members, such as helping grandchildren with university fees or contributing to a wedding.
  • Lifestyle Enhancements: Funding travel or other goals that retirement savings alone might not cover.

These reasons showcase the flexibility and practicality of equity release, making it a valuable option for many looking to make the most of their retirement years. If you need more information on equity release products in Cambridge, speak to our team.

We work within the guidelines of the financial conduct authority, offering you the comfort you need knowing you are working with a professional financial adviser.

Are There Any Negatives Around Equity Release In Cambridge?

In Cambridge, homeowners considering equity release should be aware of several potential drawbacks. The process can significantly reduce the value of their estate, limiting their ability to leave an inheritance to their heirs.

There is an option to ring-fence a portion of your property value for future inheritance, but this only partially mitigates the reduction in overall estate value. Additionally, accessing equity may impact your eligibility for certain government means tested benefits, complicating your financial landscape. Equity release does not affect your state pension entitlement.

You might face steep financial penalties if you decide to repay the mortgage early or terminate the plan. Moreover, with a lifetime mortgage, the total debt can escalate quickly due to the accumulation of compounded interest, leading to an increase in the amount owed over time.

These factors make equity release in Cambridge a critical decision that requires careful consideration of its long-term financial impact. Speak to an adviser at Bower Home Finance today to learn more!

Why Contact Bower Home Finance For Cambridge Equity Release Advice?

Contacting Bower Home Finance for equity release advice in Cambridge is a wise choice for homeowners who want to understand the complexities of unlocking their homes’ value.

Bower Home Finance stands out due to our solid understanding of the Cambridge property market and our commitment to providing tailored advice that aligns with each client’s unique financial and personal circumstances.

Our experienced advisers are well-trained in various equity release schemes, including lifetime mortgages and home reversion plans, ensuring our clients receive the most beneficial and suitable options. Additionally, as a trusted member adhering to the standards of the Equity Release Council, Bower Home Finance guarantees high ethical standards and transparent dealings, giving you peace of mind that your financial future is in reliable hands.

Our focus on customer satisfaction and our expertise in securing favourable terms make them an excellent resource for any Cambridge homeowner considering equity release.

Get In Touch With Bower Home Finance In Cambridge For Equity Release!

If you’re considering equity release in Cambridge, contact Bower Home Finance to explore your options. As experts in the field, Bower Home Finance provides bespoke advice tailored to your financial and personal needs.

Our team of seasoned advisers is adept at guiding homeowners through the complexities of equity release. We ensure you understand all aspects of the process, from selecting the suitable scheme to the implications for your future financial planning.

With a commitment to integrity and transparency, Bower Home Finance ensures that all dealings adhere to the high standards set by the Equity Release Council.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your retirement income, fund home improvements, or manage unexpected expenses, Bower Home Finance in Cambridge is ready to help you make informed decisions with confidence and ease.