Compare Equity Release Interest Rates

Whether you are new to equity release and are interested in how it could potentially benefit your life, or you already have a plan in place and are looking to switch providers, we are here to help! At Bower we search the whole market and compare equity release rates and incentives from all lenders in order to find the very best deals for our customers.

If you are looking to release some much needed tax free cash to do with as you wish or are in search of a better equity release deal then the one you currently have, trust our experts to compare equity release interest rates, deals and plans for you.

Finding The Right Lender

With so many different equity release providers around all offering different plans, it can be difficult to navigate through them all without expert advice and guidance. At Bower, our team of qualified financial specialists are on hand to assess and evaluate your individual circumstances and compare equity release plans relevant to you from the whole of the market, to find the right fit for your needs.

Choosing the best equity release plan could potentially save you thousands, or tens of thousands of pounds in fees or interest over the plans lifetime. This is done by taking into consideration product features such as a lower interest rates, low early repayment charges, free property valuations, downsizing protection, inheritance protection, paying some or all of the interest, make voluntary capital repayments with no early repayment charge and many other options from the products now available.

However, please do not be concerned, this is where Bowers advice will ensure we find out everything you require before making any recommendation because it is our responsibility to research the whole market for you.

Equity Release Mortgage Comparison

The Lifetime Mortgages shown here are just a small selection of plans from the whole of the market as there are simply too many to list here. Advice and support from knowledgeable experts and the proper research will help to guide you through the process and lead to the right plan to best suit your needs.

Please note these interest rates are just a guide and the actual interest rates available to you will depend on your personal circumstances.

*Please note that the exact amount, availability and the features detailed on the plans above, are subject to the lenders criteria and terms and conditions. Lenders take into account your age, health and certain lifestyle factors of which helps us to provide you with tailored advice and a plan recommendation. This detail can enable us to provide enhanced amounts and/or lower interest rates and flexibility required with any plan.

Impartial Equity Release Advice

As an independent Broker, we provide impartial, whole of market advice you can trust. Our professional team are dedicated to delivering open, honest, clear, objective and unbiased advice in order to help clients make smart, informed decisions that are best for their individual circumstances.

At Bower we know that our equity release services are only as good as the deals we offer which is why we work so hard with all our mortgage lender partners to ensure that our clients’ needs are met. Our experienced and highly qualified advisers work for you so that you have the best plan on the market that suits your particular requirements. All Lifetime mortgages and equity release plans require a qualified and authorised person to give advice before a plan can be taken out. Please contact us for more information, free informal discussion or a no-obligation quotation, call Freephone 0800 411 8668 or email us at [email protected].